1. 5.1 Motzei Shabbos Shuvo 5785
  2. 4.48 Nitzovim-Vayeilech 5784

1) In bentshing on Motzei Shabbos I included Retzei. Do I have to repeat?

2) A woman who is expecting sometimes feels exceptionally thirsty. In such an event, is
she permitted to drink water: a) before Kiddush/Havdolo; b) in the bathroom?

3) What is the reason why we aren’t allowed to count Jewish people?

4) May I bake bread or cake in a meaty oven?

5) What is the source to allow the use of a kli shlishi where a kli sheni isn’t okay?

6) According to the Rambam, wine flavoured with sugar is unfit for Kiddush. Is this
something I should be careful about, even if the unflavoured wine isn’t as good?

7) My Shlichus is with young professionals, and we have a monthly Friday night meal.
During the summer, is it okay to start Shabbos early that week and on the other
weeks to start Shabbos closer to sunset?

8) My child has a T-shirt with a Posuk printed on it. Must he remove it before entering a

9) Feedback re. Hagbeh: How recent is the minhag of Chabad to replace the Sefer
Torah on the Bima after displaying the script to the congregation?

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