1. 5.1 Motzei Shabbos Shuvo 5785
  2. 4.48 Nitzovim-Vayeilech 5784

1)  Exploring a הערה of the Rebbe to a Maamar:

2) If there’s a Bris on Shabbos Mevorchim Sivan, is אב הרחמים omitted?

3) I run a Shabbos group for children. We give them tokens as incentives, and they redeem these tokens for items of nosh. Is that permitted?

4) To enter our Shul we need an electronic-chip card. May we hand the card to a Goy?

5) One the 2nd night of Shovuos, if we eat early evening, when should the candles be lit?

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