1. 5.1 Motzei Shabbos Shuvo 5785
  2. 4.48 Nitzovim-Vayeilech 5784

1)       May one who is allergic to wheat rely on rice for קידוש במקום סעודה?

2) I often hear the question (on your shiur and elsewhere): “Am I obligated to give maaser on…” and many similar. But isn’t maaser today just an optional minhag?

3) One weekday morning in our Shul, a Kohen visiting from EY went forward to say Birkas Kohanim. Should we go along with it or should we tell him that it’s not done in Chul?

4)      Is there flexibility to allow a Barmitzva to have his Aliya one day early?

5) Feedback on not being Yoitze the full bentsching by reciting Al haMichya:

6)       Why is it Chabad custom not to wear a watch on Yomtov?

7)       Feedback on attaching a key to a belt on Shabbos:

8)   Re. Kol Isha: The Alter Rebbe continues the Kol HaRagil category with “even Kol Zemer” and proceeds with conditions. This aspect was not mentioned; am I misunderstanding the Alter Rebbe?

9)       What was presented on the screen (week 30) appears to discuss the issue of a father hearing his daughter singing, not about a sister. The same re. the second snippet regarding hugging and kissing. In week 31 it was mentioned briefly that there is a Posek that allows some level of affectionate contact between siblings. But Shulchan Aruch Even Haezer 21:7 only permits this between father/daughter mother/son?

10)   I laid Tefilin with a man. He later tells me that he’s a leftie. So, I put on the Hand-Tefilin on his right arm. Does he repeat the brocho?

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