1. 5.1 Motzei Shabbos Shuvo 5785
  2. 4.48 Nitzovim-Vayeilech 5784

1)      Some sources depict a gap in the ramp (כבש) as it reaches the Mizbeiach:[1]

2)      I have recently visited several gravesites and I now realise that I didn’t recite the appropriate brocho. If I visit another gravesite within thirty days, do I say the brocho?[2]

3)      I ate a new fruit without saying Shehecheyonu; I now have that fruit again – do I say that brocho now?[3]

4)      My child is eighteen months old. I just fed him chicken; may I now feed him milk?[4]

5)      An older member of our community has moved into a care-home. His home will duly be sold – at this time, we have no clue to whom. May the Mezuzos be removed?[5]

6)      We have a local Eruv. When visitors make a pledge to the Shul, may the Gabbai give them a card with the Shul’s bank details?[6]

7)      When seeing the Grand Canyon, do I say the brocho: עושה מעשה בראשית?[7]

8)      What is the brocho for red or black currants?[8]

9)      When does the Chazan begin saying Kadish before Shmoine Esrei at Mincha of Taanis Tzibur?[9]

10)   Is standing for Krias haTorah optional?[10]

11)   Please address the minhag to avoid eating and drinking from chipped dishes:[11]

12)   Feedback on Tefilas haDerech for journey shorter than 72 minutes:

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