1) Explanation of a challenging passage in Yechezkel[1] about the third Beis HaMikdosh.
2) May I feed my baby in the presence of Seforim?[2]
3) Revisiting laying Tefilin with a man who’s not wearing a shirt:[3]
4) Revisiting whether one ought to stand for Krias HaTorah:[4]
5) Revisiting Brocho Acharona without remembering what one had eaten:[5]
6) Are ‘Section Challos’ sub-units acceptable for Lechem Mishneh?[6]
7) One whose arm is in a cast, past the knuckles; what should he for Netilas Yodayim?[7]
8) Revisiting whether Yichud applies in a car that has clear windows:[8]
9) Why do we touch the Tefilin at יוצר אור ובורא חושך?[9]