1. 5.1 Motzei Shabbos Shuvo 5785
  2. 4.48 Nitzovim-Vayeilech 5784

1)      When saying a Brocho Acharona after fruit of the Seven Kinds that are actually produce of Eretz Yisroel, instead of על בארץ ועל הפירות we say: על הארץ ועל פירותיה.[1] If one had also drunk wine – that isn’t from EY, we have a misleading text: על הארץ ועל פרי הגפן ועל פירותיה – implying that these fruit are the produce of the vine!

2)      There is a dispute as to the spelling of word Dakoh in the Torah: דכא or דכה. May one have an Aliya where the Sefer Torah is spelt contrary to one’s mesorah? And what about Parshas Zochor? [2]

3)      What are the guidelines re. mentioning one’s father or mother by name?[3]

4)      May one lay Tefilin with a man who has embraced a different faith?[4]

5)      What is the status of the Yad of the Sefer Torah?[5]

6)      One was eating ‘mezonos’ and then decides to ‘upgrade’ and have as a meal; he now wishes to eat a piece of fish: new brocho or not? [6]

7)      I recently saw a Tefilin-container that appears like a Thermos-flask, in which the Hand-Tefilin is placed above the Head-Tefilin, and I was wondering if that is proper? [7]

8)      Feedback on giving Tzedoko at night: [8]

9)      May one give Tzedoko whilst being in an impure location?[9]

10)   Feedback on whether an Ovel RL should be Chazan on Tisha b’Av: [10]

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[1] ראה סדר ברכת הנהנין פ”א הי”ב-י”ג.

[2] נידון בנתיבים בשדה השליחות ח”ב פ”ד, על פי קצות השלחן סוף סי’ פז.

[3]  אוצר כבוד אב ואם ע’ 45.

[4] ראה שוע”ר סי’ קפט ס”ד.

[5] ראה ס’ גנזי הקודש פ”ה הע’ כא.

[6] שערי הברכה פט”ז הע’ קכח.

[7] שוע”ר סי’ כח ס”ח.

[8] תורת מנחם תשד”מ ח”א ע’ 266; לקוטי שיחות ח”ט ע’ 321; שיחות קודש תש”מ ח”א ע’ 663.

[9] פסקי תשובות סי’ עו אות א, וש”נ לס’ הליכות שלמה (תפלה) פ”כ הע’ לו.

[10] כי אז הכל אבלים, ולמה יגרע?

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