
מוקדש לע”נ הרה”ח התמים ר’ שלום דובער בן הרה”ח התמים ר’ יעקב יוסף ע”ה ראסקין

וזוגתו מרת רבקה בת הוו”ח התמים ר’ אברהם ישעי’ ע”ה ראסקין

ערב שבת קודש פ’ תזריע- מצורע, ל’  ניסן,  א’ ר”ח אייר, ה’ תש”פ, ט”ו לעומר  

Erev Shabbos Parshas Tazria – Metzora 30th Nissan, 1st day Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5780,
24th April 2020

Candle Lighting Time in London 7:53 pm Shabbos Ends 9:12 pm

Mazel-Tov                                                                                                                        מזל טוב


Parents Rabbi and Mrs Menachem Mendel Sabbach (Melbourne, Australia)

Grandparents Rabbi and Mrs Yoel Niasoff (Manchester, UK)

Parents Rabbi and Mrs Pinny Weinman (Edinburgh, UK)

Grandparents Rabbi and Mrs Binyomin Weinman (Manchester, UK)


Shterna Sarah שטרנא שרה שתחי

Parents Rabbi and Mrs Levi Ceitlin (Postville, IA)

Grandparents Rabbi and Mrs CDA Tiefenbrun (N16, London, UK)

Great-Grandmother Mrs A Tiefenbrun (E5, London, UK)

Bar Mitzvah                                                                                                       בר מצוה

Menachem Mendel מנחם מענדל שיחי’

Parents Reb and Mrs Zalman Whitt (Detroit, MI)

Grandparents Mr and Mrs Eli Sufrin (Baltimore, MD)

Grandmother Mrs S Schtroks (Detroit, MI)

Forthcoming Week (Although there will be no Minyonim in Shul, it is still advised to Daven at your Minyan’s time) 

Daily: Mincha 6:45pm, Maariv 9:00 pm (SH)

Condolences to

Rabbi Yossie Schwei (Luton, UK) on the passing of his father Rabbi Ahron Yakov Schwei הרה”ח אהרון יעקב בן מרדכי אלי-הו ע”ה
one of the members of the Crown Heights Beis Din. Shiva details to follow.

We mourn the great loss of our dear friend, Reb Benzion Hackner OB”M, a pillar of the Lubavitch community in the UK and an Askan who was involved in Stamford Hill affairs. The family request that you write about him: Memories, stories and pictures and  email to and for a link to a 2nd round of Mishnayos

The North London Misaskim Sefer Torah

Misaskim of North London (Stamford Hill) are commissioning a Sefer Torah, but they need your help to get there!
Please help us spread the word by sharing the information with your family and friends. Encourage them to buy their letters and grant them the Z’chus of participating in this worldwide display of Achdus.
We invite all of Klal Yisroel, men, women, and children, to participate in this unique special opportunity, to join in the writing of the Sefer Torah, together, we will bring this Sefer Torah to life!

Refuoh Shleimoh Please say Tehillim for

Refoel ben SadafYitzchok Boruch Ben TikvahLeah Rivka bas Bas-Sheva Zissel (Birmingham, UK)Chaya Menucha bas Leah (Melbourne, AUS)Shoshana Roiza bas Yocheved
Yirmiyohu Yisroel ben Chayah Dinah (Edgware, London, UK)Refoel Avrohom Yeshaya ben Rivka (N16, London, UK) Dovber ben Rivkah (N16, London, UK)
Categories: Announcements