5.14 Vayechi – Chazak 5785 – Panorama of Halacha
1) May one add water to a humidifier/cooler on Shabbos?
2) Is there a specific minimum size for a Yarmulke?
3) Is microblading eyebrows permitted?
4) On Shabbos, after the use of a towel, may it be spread out to dry?
5) What is a permissible correct way to open cartons of drink on Shabbos?
6) When naming a child after a grandparent who died young, should another name be added?
7) On Friday evening, we have Mincha shortly before sunset and Maariv right after
sunset. Is that not a contradiction, since weโve davened Mincha after Plag haMincha, so we should wait with Maariv until nightfall?
8) Having a goy bring a baby thru the street on Shabbos?
9) Our garden shed has a Mezuza. It was temporarily dismantled, with the Mezuza in place. When the shed is reassembled, does the Mezuza need to be re-affixed?
10) If it needs to be reaffixed, should a brocho be said when doing so?
11) On Shabbos I saw a hedgehog in my house, curled up in a corner under the stairs. I first moved it with a stick, then pushed it with my leg to the door. Was that okay?
12) Also, may one put out rodent poison on Shabbos? Is rodent poison muktze?