5.19 Yisro 5785 Panorama of Halacha

  1. 5.19 Yisro 5785
  2. 5.18 Beshalach – Shiroh 5785

1)      I’m puzzled with the explanation in Shaar haKolel as to why on Shabbos etc. the letter Vov is added to the word המרחם in Moidim. Please explain:

2)      A note in the Kfar Chabad Sidur instructs us to stand erect for the last three words of Moidim deRabonon. Is that correct?

3)      A man whose left arm is paralyzed ר”ל, should he still don Tefilin on that arm?

4)      The 11th blessing in the Amidah begins with our pleading for the restoration of judges, whilst the blessing ends with that HaShem loves righteousness and justice. Shouldn’t the opening and the conclusion of the brocho reflect the same theme?

5)      Our family are having a birthday party for my father. Should wine be served at the event, would I be permitted to play my violin?

6)      Does a mother recite HaGomeil after having given birth?

7)      Someone who owes me a significant amount of money, has been delaying payment for years. Eventually this ended up in civil court, who awarded me the full payment, plus interest, which is enforceable through bailiffs. Is this interest surcharge permitted or would I have to return the interest to the defendant?

8)      There are different ways – within Chabad! – how to form the knot of the straps for the Tefilin shel Rosh. To discuss:

9)      When you’re not sure if you have a brocho in hand, may you eat the food? 

10)   Feedback on sleeping with one’s feet facing the door:

11)   Feedback on the story of the Rebbe being Sandek for R’ Chonye Morozov’s sons:

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