1. 5.1 Motzei Shabbos Shuvo 5785
  2. 4.48 Nitzovim-Vayeilech 5784

1) In bentshing on Motzei Shabbos I included Retzei. Do I have to repeat?

2) A woman who is expecting sometimes feels exceptionally thirsty. In such an event, is
she permitted to drink water: a) before Kiddush/Havdolo; b) in the bathroom?

3) What is the reason why we aren’t allowed to count Jewish people?

4) May I bake bread or cake in a meaty oven?

5) What is the source to allow the use of a kli shlishi where a kli sheni isn’t okay?

6) According to the Rambam, wine flavoured with sugar is unfit for Kiddush. Is this
something I should be careful about, even if the unflavoured wine isn’t as good?

7) My Shlichus is with young professionals, and we have a monthly Friday night meal.
During the summer, is it okay to start Shabbos early that week and on the other
weeks to start Shabbos closer to sunset?

8) A T-shirt with a Posuk printed on it; must it be removed before entering a bathroom?

9) Feedback re. Hagbeh: How recent is the minhag of Chabad to replace the Sefer
Torah on the Bima after displaying the script to the congregation?

10) Feedback re. singing: The Divrei Yatziv addressed a daughter, not a sister.

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