1. 5.1 Motzei Shabbos Shuvo 5785
  2. 4.48 Nitzovim-Vayeilech 5784

1) We avoid the use of medication on Shabbos, unless one would otherwise be indisposed. May one use medicated mouthwash on Shabbos?

2)       Is there a concern for Shabbos to wear a luminous watch?

3) I awoke on Motzei Shabbos at 2:15 AM – after alos hashachar. I davened maariv (was that correct?). At Havdolo, do I say the brocho over the spices and over the flame?

4)   I purchased a small Blueberry bush and planted it in my garden. Do I have to now count three years for Orloh?

5)   I am repairing a used Tallis. May I remove the silk lining from where it is and put a new lining at the other end of the Tallis, effectively turning the Tallis upside-down?

6) In our Sidur in Modim, we sometimes have the word המרחם and sometimes we have והמרחם. Please clarify:

7) I bought some groceries at Sainsbury and used the self-service check-out. Once home I realized that I hadn’t paid for a few items. Do I have to return and pay for them?

8)   Feedback re. does answering Borchu at a weekday Maariv make it night for me?

9)    Feedback on Kli Shlishi:

10) Feedback re. Mezonos / HaMoitzi: Waffles for breakfast: HaMoitzi?

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