1) Answer to q. why the larger part of the middle matzo is used for Afikoman, not for the Mitzva min haTorah of eating Matzo:

2) Further on procedure when Sheva Brochos is held at Seuda Shlishis:

3) This year Lag b’Omer is on Friday. Is it acceptable to make a wedding on Thursday evening?

4) Would it be permitted on Shabbos Erev Pesach – within a communal Eruv – to distribute Shmura Matzo for Seder night?

5) Ginger: What is the concern regarding Pesach?

6) What should one do with the wine that spills over from the kiddush cup onto the coaster placed beneath?

7) On Shabbos we recite the details of the Ketores after Musaf. But wasn’t the Ketores offered before Musaf?

8) When eating Shabbos or Yomtov meals away from home, should one light candles at one’s own residence or at the location where he/she will be having the Seuda?

9) Is there any difference in this whether sleeping in an otherwise empty residence to sleeping in a home where the hostess lights candles?

10) I received a Tallis-Koton that, instead of the popular round hole, has a T-shaped hole. Is this an issue (extra corners)?

11) One who had a haircut on Erev Pesach, but it was such a poor job that he’s embarrassed to meet with friends. May he have it fixed up during Sefiro?