1) To recite עלינו with the Minyan that is ahead of oneself:

2) May one lay Tefilin with visitors to a cemetery, at a distance from the graves? 

3) On Shabbos, a non-Jew asks to borrow my jump-start equipment. May I show him where the appliance is, and may I direct him how to use it?

4) Is there a permissible way to bathe parts of one’s body on Yomtov?

5) I know that there is a preference to burn one’s nails that have been trimmed. What if that would entail a delay?

6) Our block of flats has a communal bin. The weekly collection is Thursday AM. May we place Chometz waste in that bin Thursday PM or later? 

7) May I leave a suet cake in my garden over Pesach, for birds to feed on?

8) Our pet chickens feed on grain. What should we do for Pesach?

9) May one give a Pesach Matzo to a non-Jew?

10) When should we change our clocks from GMT to BST?

11) The prevalent practise in Chabad is that on Pesach we only use fruit and vegetables that are peeled. What about peeling mushrooms?

12) An exception to the above is the lettuce used at the Seder. How about using the inner leaves of a head of lettuce during the rest of Pesach?

13) May one drink wine or grape juice on Erev Pesach?

14) May our non-Jewish staff set the tables on Shabbos in preparation for our communal Seder on Motzei Shabbos?

15) Are we particular to avoid selling real Chometz?