1) At Yachatz, the larger part is put aside for Afikoman, “because it’s an important mitzvah, for it is our substitute for the Korban Pesach” . But isn’t the primary mitzva of Matzo more important?

2) At Bedikas Chometz, should one switch off the electric lights?

3) We sell all our Chometz, but – this year – we retain Chometz for two Shabbos meals. Every year, we retain the Chometz to be burned. Are these retentions stipulated in the main document?

4) Could I use an Egg Matzoh for לחם משנה on Shabbos morning?

5) Shaking crumbs off a tablecloth in the wind on Shabbos:

6) Revisiting the question of mushrooms on Pesach:

7) Is there an objection to including wine in the sale of Chometz?

8) Our young family are staying with my parents for Yomtov, but over Chol haMoed we’ll be sleeping in an empty house. Must I do Bedikoh there?

9) It is customary to renew the Eruv every Erev Pesach. It is common to use Matzo for the Eruv. Our custom is to avoid eating Matzo from Purim. So how do we go about ‘decommissioning’ the existing Eruv?

10) A visitor to Shul on Shabbos gives the Rabbi a hand-written pledge. Assuming that it was written on Shabbos, may this note be benefitted from?

11) Our family is celebrating Shabbos Sheva Brochos at a retreat, where we don’t expect new faces. Do we say Sheva Brochos at Seuda Shlishis?  Is the wine drunk right after Bentsching, before Havdolo?  If the cup of wine kept until after Havdolo, should the one who led Bentsching be saying Havdolo?